
Category: Blogging

Jacob Wrestles With God | Bible Story

After over twenty years of working for his uncle Laban, God finally instructed Jacob to pack up his wives, children, and possessions to leave Paddan-Aram and return to the promised land of Canaan. Before reaching their destination, Jacob sent messengers ahead to his estranged brother Esau, seeking to make peace after all the years apart. […]

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Isaac Marries Rebekah | Bible Story

After God tested Abraham’s obedience by asking him to sacrifice his son Isaac, years passed and Abraham grew very old. He was now well over 100 years old. Though Isaac had survived and God’s covenant promises rested on him, Isaac remained unmarried with no children of his own. One day, Abraham called his most trusted […]

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Sodom and Gomorrah Bible Verse | Bible Story

After God established His covenant with Abraham, promising to bless him and make a great nation from his descendants, Abraham settled with his wife Sarah in the land of Canaan. His nephew Lot, however, chose to live nearby in the city of Sodom. Sodom was an extremely wicked place, filled with people who sinned greatly […]

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The Tower of Babel Story | Bible Story

After the great flood, God commanded Noah and his family to multiply and populate the whole earth. As the generations passed, Noah’s descendants did just that – they had many children who kept having more children of their own.  At first, everyone spoke the same language and stayed together as one united family. Eventually they […]

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Cain and Abel | Bible Story

After God created the first man Adam and woman Eve, He placed them in the beautiful Garden of Eden. God gave them one command – they could eat from any tree except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But tragically, Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the one forbidden fruit. Because […]

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Adam and Eve Story | Bible Story

After creating the heavens, the earth, the seas and skies, and all the plants and animals, God looked upon His magnificent creation and saw that it was amazingly good. But He had saved the most wonderful act for last. God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness!” Taking dust from the […]

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The Creation Story | Bible Story

A long, long time ago, there was nothing at all except for God. No earth, no sky, no sun or stars or galaxies twinkling in the heavens. It was all completely dark and empty. But God had an amazing plan! On the very first day, God decided to create the heavens and the earth. He […]

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